Friday, September 26, 2008

"Take it easy"

"Take it easy
O' sweet daisy"

advice from a damsel (it's not pejorative, sry cudn't be more creative)
does he need a counsel??

ya,bcoz he is anxious
and capricious.

also,donno if he is in romance,
but he lives excessively in no man's.

so howz the poet?
donno, but he says " definitely in no mood for duet."

"thnx for the concern"u guys,
but y can't he discern?

tell him guys to cut the drama
lest he doesn't go to trauma.

thnx O' daisy
for ur "take it easy".

now what does he contemplate
goin thru some romantic templates ?? :P

"time to pin??
need some underpin".

so wat do u conclude
this is just a prelude...tata....


Priyatham said...

seems to be a bit off ..
dont just concentrate on rhyming dude .. look at de meaning as well .. i cudnt find any link between any two stanzas ..
or may be im just too dumb to understand it..

Sir A.K.R said...

Off a bit
no two lines fit
as they say it
Is it the time to quit?

No. wait a minute.

When I take a look at it
seems you havent put so much fight
to get this thing out; right?

take a minute
and then write
that we wont take lite

SandeepS said...

never mind the above comments,i just have to say , wah wah wah wah